This Group was formed for discussion, information, and promotion of certain Rural Banks within the Philippines, that are offering High Interest Time Deposit products.
- Here is a good place to find FAQ's on this topic.
- Reference material and Links to relevant websites.
- Discover the truth and reality behind genuine banks, registered with Banko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), with genuine products - deposits are insured with Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
"Don't believe it - too good to be true?" Here is where you can find out hopefully?
Whilst you can post your opinion on such Banks, and their 'products', we ask that you back up such 'viewpoints' with some sound 'argument' and 'logic', rather than voice mere 'suspicions' and 'rumours', OK?
This Yahoo Group "High Interest Rural Banks - Philippines" is effectively closed now!
- No New Message Posts, being Approved
- All new Applications for Membership, being Rejected
- 'Messages' closed to Members
- 'Files' closed to Members
BLOGGER details:-
Name: Suhir
Home: Pune, Maharashtra, India
About Me: I am a Business Man. I am from Pune. This blog is a part of my hobby.
No, he is not a business man, but a Hacker!
His Hobby is ripping off Yahoo Group Message Posts, and putting them on his Blogs, via an Atom Feed.
Sudhir has no respect for why this Yahoo Group was formed, nor why it was Members Only, who expected their Messages to be viewed only by other 'Members' of this 'Private Group
He is a thief who steals 'Private' message posts, and makes them available to the 'Public' via these 'Blogs' of his.
He is doing no work on his Blog, no creative effort - just THEFT!
Well we have had enough of this!
Google don't seem to care that this 'Sudhir' is able to set up his Blogspot.com, with the same 'name' as our Yahoo Group (with 'hi-interestruralbanksrp.blogspot.com' tacked on) and via this RSS/Atom style 'Feed' - simply steals messages from any Yahoo Group Public or Private apparently, without permission.
I dont think this 'Sudhir' joined our Yahoo Group, under false pretenses, and using some 'alias' to become a Member.
They don't seem to care, that there is this Security problem, that allows 'Sudhir' to achieve this.Well I care, that the Members expected their Message posts to be Private, and they are not, with this Yahoo Group.
The answer is simple, we just STOP using this Yahoo Group!'
'Sudhir' won't get much pleasure from stealing this MESSAGE, 2 times every day!
Owner: hi-interestruralbanksrp Yahoo Group
Sorry if any genuine Members, do not like receiving this Message via a DAILY 'Calander' Event, with Reminders
Suggest you unsubscribe from this Yahoo Group, and become a Member of the replacement Group - (having submitted your Application Form beforehand, and received the Invite to Join).
Anyone wanting to receive an 'Invite' to Join the replacement Group, needs to accurately complete and submit this Form - http://cebu-shhh.com/phpformgen/forms/form1.htmlHope to see you on the 'Private' Wiki http://ruralbanks.wetpaint.com/
David Whittall